Selasa, 02 April 2013

Why do We Should be Libreoffice User?

Some of you may don't know what LibreOffice is, and some of you already know about it. LibreOffice is one of the free and opensource office suite that will give you a lot of benefit. LibreOffice will never become alternative but will become a solution in the office suite world. Here you the advantages of using LibreOffice:

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Hidding Office2007and2011 Ribbon Interface

When you use microsoft office 2007 and 2010 you will see the new Ribbon interface that attractive and easy to use. But unfortunately, the Ribbon interface occupies large space on the screen and it will very annoying if you are using netbook or other device with small screen. But wait, you could make the office 2007 and 2010 interface become compact by fold down the Ribbon interface with a shortcut key. Here are the way to make compact your office suite interface:

to disable opera speeddials

One of the special feature of Opera browser for allowing easy access to the favourite sites is Speed Dials. When you open a new tab, it displays a list of small capture of website thumbnails, to click one of them will open the website quickly. Speed dial was first introduced by Opera in 2007 and now the other browsers also implement it. Some people don't like the Speed Dials because of some reasons. You can disable Speed Dials with the following steps:

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Microsoft PowerPoint Keyboard Shorcuts

Who doesn't know Microsoft Power Point, an application for presentation that already well-known all over the world. Microsoft Power Point provide and easy but powerful tools for presentation. Microsoft Power Point is a leading application for presentation. If you already familiar with toolbars and pulldown menu, now you should increase your ability in operating Microsoft Power Point by using keyboard shortcuts. Because we already know, that once we familiar with keyboard shortcuts we will increase in our efficiency in using an applications. Here are the keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Power Point to increase your performance:

Opera General Keyboard Shortcuts

Are you using Opera as your favorite web browser? yeah, I think you should be familiar with the Opera keyboard shortcuts, so you will efficiently operate your Opera, and you will never addict to your mouse anymore. Ok, here are some Opera keyboard shortcuts what you need:

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Pidgin Keyboard Shortcuts

Pidgin is a popular multi protocol internet messenger client, so we could login to a lot of our messenger account using one application. So we don't need to install a lot of messenger clients. Pidgin also famous in its simplicity and supported by many plugin so we could expand the pidgin functionality from the basic Pidgin.

Here are some Pidgin keyboard shortcuts to increase our time efficiency:

winamp keyboard shortcuts list

Yeah, Everyone needs efficiency, If  you always use winamp as your daily music player, you may try to use this winamp shortcuts so your activity using winamp will be easy and increase your time efficiency. Keyboard Shortcuts is a former user interface before graphical user interface  that using mouse as primary choice. Keyboard shortcuts offer a speed to operate an applications.

Here are some winamp keyboard shortcust: